Coaches Registered

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First Name Last Name Style Dojo Picture Country
Alex Jinesta Goju Ryu Ken Shin Kan Dojo US
Brenda Rivera Goju Ryu Tamashintai Usa US
Devashish Akhare Goju Ryu Bushido Jks Daycare Costa US
Herb Thompson Goju Ryu Katsu Dojo US
Cristian Lopez Goju Ryu Champions Karate Academy WPB. US
Nicolas Salvatores Goju Ryu Hinomaru Karate School US
Tulay Albear Goju Ryu Gojukan Karate Association US
Gustavo Albear Goju Ryu Gojukan Karate Association US
Daniela Bustamante Goju Ryu Goju Ryu Miami Kenseikan US
William Polley Goju Ryu Miami Kenseikan US
Rodney Gonzalez Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Doral Dojo US
Caren Lesser Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Doral Dojo US
Rodolfo Forster Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Doral Dojo US
Ronal Zaya Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu YMCA Karate Fort Myers US
Eduardo Macias Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Budokan Karate Do Aruba US
Diana Cano Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Luigi Karate Do PE
Rodney Gonzalez-chavez Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Dojo Doral US
Candy Villagra Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Doral Dojo US
Luis Medina Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Luigi Karate Do PE
Gonzalo Patria Inoue Ha-Shito Ryu Kobushi Doral Dojo US

Page 7 of 35, showing 20 records out of 681 total, starting on record 121, ending on 140

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